Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 377 | Diciembre 2012



Spaces are opening and closing
In a historic ruling, the International Court of Justice has finally recognized Nicaragua’s right to over 90,000 square kilometers of the Caribbean Sea off our coasts as an exclusive economic zone, nearly doubling the country’s size. Until November 19 that entire area was under Colombia’s sovereignty. Paradoxically, while international law is opening spaces of maritime sovereignty to us, our own national government is increasingly closing down our spaces of citizens’ sovereignty.... continuar...


NICARAGUAN JOY Part of the November 26 message from the Communication and Citizenship coordinator reverberates with celebrations of The Hague court ruling and the three-noun slogan she’s chosen... continuar...


The tax reform: As unjust as ever
This analysis of the recently approved tax reform describes how the government and business elite conspired to change the country’s unjust tax system just enough that everything will stay the same. It also discusses the differences between economic growth and sustainable development, as well as the elements that are needed— and seemingly not on the agenda— to attain the latter.... continuar...

El Salvador

Young people who want to transform the country
A new institutional framework is being set up to encourage youth participation in El Salvador. There’s still some way to go to meet this objective. But while this is being worked on, examples already exist of youth organizations on the left determined to change the unjust structures they’ve inherited. They know they are the heirs to a long history of resistance and are fighting enthusiastically to transform their country, which means fighting the dominant culture, the de-politicization and the dispersion.... continuar...


The primary elections were just one more shortcut
The population spent all of 2012 amid violence, insecurity and the scandalous proselytizing of the three political parties that participated in the November 18 primary elections. We’re still in an economic quagmire, impunity still prevails and the shortcuts the political and business leadership have been scheming since the 2009 coup to avoid giving up privileges and advantages, don’t seem to be taking us anywhere worth going to.... continuar...


The ecological crisis in its temporal dimension
This article explores some of the ways the ecological crisis clashes with our acceleration of time. It teaches us that preserving, restoring and caring for both ecosystems and personal relationships take time and effort. And it warns us very clearly that time is running out: if we don’t have time for life, our civilization is doomed.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America