Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 220 | Noviembre 1999



What’s Behind the IMF Pressure?
Nicaragua is plagued by ungovernability, corruption and crushing poverty. With the complicity of the FSLN’s inner leadership circle, the Nicaraguan government is aggravating these age-old and chronic epidemics. But there has been mounting international pressure to address these issues, to which the International Monetary Fund recently and unexpectedly added its voice. What benefit might Nicaragua reap from such pressures? ... continuar...


MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS AT RISK Next year's municipal elections, scheduled for November 5, are at risk of being postponed due to a lack of funds. In the General Budget for 2000, which the President... continuar...


"Our Tax Policy is Regressive, Terrorist and Unimaginative"
Julio Francisco Báez and his brother Teódulo are both lawyers and experts in tax policy. The Báez brothers, as they are known, are the authors of the best selling book ever published in Nicaragua, Todo sobre impuestos (Everything about Taxes), now in its fourth edition. The following has been transcribed from a talk that Julio Francisco gave at envío on the characteristics of the country’s tax policy... continuar...


NGOS and Natural Disasters: Gaps and Opportunities
The devastation wreaked by Hurricane Mitch helped focus the attention of many international organizations on the subject of natural disasters in countries of the South. The British Red Cross, inturn, decided to study how NGOs in particular have reacted to natural disasters in four particular countries, among them Nicaragua. We present here an edited version of that case study.... continuar...


A Year after Mitch: Organization and Hope
One year after Hurricane Mitch struck Honduras at the end of October 1998, and continued striking for over a week, Hondurans have discovered the value of organization and learned how to participate effectively. And where there has been democratic participation and effective organization the reconstruction projects have worked well, demonstrating that these elements are essential for development.... continuar...


A Natural Disaster Reveals a Social One
Mexico's autumn came in like a raging lion. First, an earthquake brought death and destruction to Oaxaca, cutting off thousands of communities. Relief workers were still struggling to get aid through when torrential rains in southeastern Mexico brought with them the greatest destruction in people's memory.... continuar...


On the Anniversary of Mitch: The Region’s Revealing Disaster
Hurricane Mitch did more than just devastate Central America: it also laid bare the structural problems in our countries for analysis. The most striking component of this analysis is not our people's extreme poverty, but rather our governments' extreme incapacity.... continuar...


Waiting for Luis
The great tragedies Mitch left in its wake were still international news, but the cameras were long gone by the time the smaller tragedy recounted below occurred, three weeks after the hurricane hit. While the setting and circumstances of this individual tragedy--the death of one man as an indirect result of Mitch--are very personal, they are at the same time emblematic of the daily lives of so many rural poor: the grinding needs, the vulnerability and the powerlessness in the face of life's great and small ironies, but also the culture of solidarity, and the quiet unsung dignity in the face of it all. One year later, as the thousands of people who lost the little they had continue to live in conditions that have scarcely improved, envío offers this narrative as part of our commemoration of the anniversary of Mitch. Most of the articles in this issue contribute to an overview of what Mitch revealed; “Waiting for Luis” offers one example at close range.... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America