Envío Digital
Central American University - UCA  
  Number 101 | Diciembre 1989



Lifting the Cease-fire to End the War
"If the United States would redirect the money currently going to finance the contra forces to the United Nations so it could be used for the demobilization and repatriation of those forces, the... continuar...


The Fight Against Inflation: A Challenge for the Months Ahead
After three months of holding under 10%, inflation crept slightly over the government's one-digit goal in October, at 10.2%. The combination of economic measures undertaken by the government has so... continuar...


Election Watch: Opposing the Sandinistas the "Civic" Way
Vía Cívica—“Your voice is heard, your vote decides"—calls itself a patriotic, civic, non-partisan get out the vote organization, yet it is closely tied to the US-supported Nicaraguan opposition, UNO.... continuar...


Human Rights: Americas Watch Cites "Mixed Results…"
Right-wingers in Washington are already using the most recent Americas Watch (AW) report on human rights violations in Nicaragua to oppose the plan to demobilize the contras . But what does Americas... continuar...


AIR TRAGEDY CUTS ACROSS POLITICAL LINES On October 21, the worst air crash in Central American history occurred when a SAHSA plane crashed in Honduras, killing 132 of the 146 aboard. The Honduran... continuar...


Ideologies in Conflict: Platforms of Four Nicaraguan Parties
Nicaraguan voters face a daunting array of parties and presidential candidates in the coming elections; three far left parties, four center parties, one far right alliance and the Sandinista Front (FSLN).... continuar...


Idologies in Conflict: Platforms of Four Nicaraguan Political Parties
Platform Areas CONSOLIDATION: SANDINISTA NATIONAL LIBERATION FRONT (FSLN) Party History and General Politics 1979 triumph through people's armed insurrection. Roots in... continuar...


Just the Facts
Nicaragua’s voter registration took place during the first four Sundays of October. Despite certain areas where contra activity prevented registration centers from opening, the process was considered... continuar...

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Envío offers information and analysis on Nicaragua from Nicaragua, on Central America from Central America, on the larger world we want to transform and on that other possible world we are working to bring about.

Envío a monthly magazine of analysis on Central America